Nomination of future High Sheriffs of Hertfordshire
Under the Sheriffs Act of 1887 it is the duty of an incumbent High Sheriff to appoint a successor to serve in their county in four years’ time. Each year a panel (called a Nomination Panel) meets to assist the High Sheriff in office to identify suitably experienced and public spirited individuals who may be prepared to take on the role.
In addition to the current, immediate past and next in line High Sheriffs the Nomination Panel includes a Deputy Lieutenant and representatives of the wider community including a senior judge, faith leaders, business leaders, senior Police and Fire officers, a representative of the University of Hertfordshire, the Chairman or another representative of Hertfordshire County Council, the Director or a trustee of the Hertfordshire Community Foundation and charity and voluntary sector representatives. Panel members may be expected to serve for 3 years to provide continuity and the Under Sheriff acts as Secretary to the Nomination Panel.
Candidates must own or have a beneficial interest in land or property in Hertfordshire, be of good character and be shown to have given service to the community or a clear willingness to serve the community within Hertfordshire. Attention will be given to the need to ensure broad geographical representation across the county and to encourage diversity in the range of persons appointed.
All requirements for eligibility are to be found in the High Sheriffs’ Association paper available HERE. Please note that nomination and appointment of High Sheriffs excludes Peers of Parliament and Members of the House of Commons, full-time members of the Judiciary including Tribunal Judges, and Officers of the Royal Navy, Army or Royal Air Force on full pay. These provisions reflect the essential requirement that the Office of High Sheriff is a non-political appointment. In addition, Justices of the Peace should not serve in that capacity during their year of office as High Sheriff.
While it is the case that a High Sheriff will have to meet the cost of his or her year of office (there are no public funds or allowances), the cost need not be excessive. The High Sheriffs’ Association has produced guidance on affordability for High Sheriffs containing some practical tips on reducing costs which can be seen HERE.
The Secretary maintains a confidential list of individuals who have previously been nominated, together with any new nominees, and arranges a meeting of the Panel to discuss these. Once the Panel has agreed upon a name, it will be put to the Lord-Lieutenant for approval before that person is approached to establish their willingness to be nominated as a future High Sheriff of Hertfordshire.
If you wish to put someone forward as a candidate for the Nomination Panel’s consideration, please complete the ATTACHED FORM. If you wish to put yourself forward, you will be asked for 2 independent referees to whom the Panel may apply for references.
Please send your completed form to the Under Sheriff by email to or by post to 22 Highfield Road, Hertford, SG13 8BH. You may be contacted by the Under Sheriff for further information about the candidate.
For your information, the Nomination Panel meets during the last 6 months of each year and the High Sheriff submits a nomination to the Privy Council by the following January, once the consent of the chosen candidate and approval of the Lord-Lieutenant have been obtained. Please be aware that the Nomination Panel’s deliberations and decision are confidential. Any nominated candidate may be held over for consideration in the future. As a general rule, a nomination is not formalised or made public until announced in the High Court of Justice nearly two years later.